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Sen Sen Kung Temple or Soetji Nurani, is located on Jl. Veteran No.10, Gadang, Kec. East Banjarmasin. Local people call it Jalan Pacinaan. Chinese architecture was built in 1898 by Chinese generals named The Sin Yoe and Ang Lin Thay to trade via sea to Indonesia. The temple is a place of worship for the Tridharma, namely people who come from Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism (Confucianism). The use of three incense sticks during worship also has a meaning in that each incense stick symbolizes God, humans and the environment. Source  Tiono Huesin (72), humanist and administrator of the Soetji Nurani temple, The painter's point of view is that this temple is not just a building that existed a century ago, but as the name suggests, Soetji Conscience needs to exist in all human hearts.

Informasi Produk
Status ( on / off ) on
Berat ( gram ) 15000
Harga ( Rp. ) 41.000.000
Harga Coret ( Rp. ) 50.000.000



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